i said “hey! whats goin on?”

So there are some pretty big things going on in my life right now. Lets go over them class. My allergies are going insane, causing much the much hated post-nasal drip – which we all know leads to a nice gooey cough. Mucinex and Delsym have become my new best friends as of last night. And I’m sure the office plague didn’t help my case either. So if any of you readers out there have any good remedies for a nasty couch and chest congestion please send it my way.

Another thing that is happening is the on going search for a house. Right now we are looking into buying a house that is pretty damaged and basically rebuilding from the current structure. This is a pretty scary idea. We are going back tomorrow with our contractor to take measurements and do another walk through. If you have any guidance you know what to do with it.

Probably the best thing right now is that I have my first day off in 2 weeks this Saturday. I was in Minneapolis with work 2 weekends ago, and the youth winter retreat last weekend (which does not count as a day off), and church on Sundays, which take up the first half of my day (also not counting as a day off). I can’t wait until Saturday. If you want to hang out…too bad, I’m not doing anything. I may not even leave my house.

So there it is, my life in a two minute read. Nothing insightful today. Check back later for something more worthwhile.

~ by mikemonts on February 6, 2008.

4 Responses to “i said “hey! whats goin on?””

  1. Why is your couch gooey?

    I love the idea of fixing up a house. I’m not sure my marriage would survive it, though. A LOT OF WORK. We did it. We should go to lunch and discuss the stories.

  2. Feel better! Also, buying a burned house sounds sort of cool actually. That way, you can make it uniquely yours. Also, as I told your wife, I can hang drywall and paint!

  3. If you’re not exhausted by Friday, you should make plans to attend Pics on the Promenade in Lakeland. That way, if the post nasal drip thing is still kickin’, at least you’ll be snotting outdoors instead of on your couch. BWAHAHAHA!

    If I was cool, I could include a link to the info about Pics on the Promenade, but I don’t know how. It is on my blog, however. Go on, check it out. You could be visitor No. 34 today…

  4. nice gooey couch..i believe you meant cough..its ok its just the mucinex taking effect lol

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